Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Birth Of A Dead Hamster

This blog fad has been going for a while. Many of my friends have blogs. I was opposed to it at first because I had nothing useful to do with it, just as I was opposed to Facebook. Actually I'm still opposed to it, but the opposition is quickly draining. I expect I'll actually break down and get one around this time next year, maybe earlier. For now, though, I will not.

So what made me get a blog? Well, quite simply, I realized that I could do something useful with it - that is I can chronicle my work on my senior research project and at the same time dump other thoughts into here. As such, at least for this year, it is quite possible that I'll be making several updates a week as I work toward getting something useful done.

I suppose I will explain the name of my blog up front. For several years now I have used the name Hamster1800. I actually created this name in elementary school when I got my AIM account. Hamster by itself was, of course, already taken, so I put a number after it, which happened to be 1800. It was not until later that it was pointed out to me that it could be interpreted as the phone number 1-800-HAMSTER. Anyway, I use this name in many places, including iccup, probably the most competitive ladder for playing starcraft outside of Korea. However, at some point a friend of mine thought it would be cool for us to put fake clan tags on our name, so he created the name [AhungrY]Melon, and another of my friends followed with [AhungrY]Argh. However, when I tried to create the account [AhungrY]Hamster, I was told that it was too long, so I changed it to [AdeaD]Hamster. This is the account that I use currently for playing Protoss. I have another account separate from both Hamster1800 and [AdeaD]Hamster that I use for playing Zerg, but I'm not going to release that name just yet.

So I was going to make my blog and I was trying to think of what the URL should be. I first tried bhamrick and hamster, but they were both unfortunately taken. Then after quite a bit of thought I remembered that I am also [AdeaD]Hamster and sure enough was untaken. The title of the blog followed pretty quickly from that.

So this has been a pretty long intro post. I'm going to let it end here. Look for a post either later tonight or tomorrow depending on when I decide to post again.

For your amusement in the meantime:


  1. It is indeed quite interesting that neither of the blogs "bhamrick, hamster" have any actual content.

  2. ZERG! :D


    now to making you get a facebook...
    ... -_-

  3. *bother bother bother*
    why you so formal? -.-
    and you know you will get a facebook >:D

  4. AHungrY is a great clan (i stole ur blogspot from ur aim status)
