Thursday, October 15, 2009

Information is not Knowledge

In the search for an answer to the question, I have come to the realization that a certain message from various sources (among them is Zuming) is extremely important for people to understand. This is a place where conventional math classes have a huge failing, and before people have realized it, they've assimilated the same failing into all of their studies, both inside and outside of school.

I realized that this is a problem when Dan sent out his latest email. Here is an excerpt from it:

"For a small subset of you, it was your mathematical knowledge that prevented you from making the calculation. To this subset, I assure you that we will attempt to teach you the mathematics. However, at the meeting last Tuesday, I believe that the majority of the people who did not take the relevant derivative, even after repeated requests from me, had the capacity to do so but lacked the motivation."

What is this saying? It's basically saying what I said in my last blog post: that people don't want to work when they know that they can. But I have to question something that Dan said. Do people actually have the capacity to do what they have the information to do? There are some people who "know" the product rule but would almost certainly be unable to do the problem that Dan posed. That is, they have the information but not the knowledge.

I have observed this failing in many places, not just at TJ. Perhaps the most surprising place for some of you would be red MOP. Yes, not everyone at MOP is good at math, as shocking as that may seem. They may be better than you. That doesn't make them good.

I was walking through the blue room (the main lounge) one day and I overheard some red moppers talking about abstract algebra. Some of the things I heard were along the lines of "Yeah, rings are really cool...except I don't really know what they are." This was when I realized the truth of Zuming's statement, but the importance had not yet hit me. What I did know at that point was that informing them of what a ring is would be completely useless. They would surely forget it by the next day, and most of the effect would be lost on them.

Now I think I understand what's going wrong. People love information. When they feel they understand one piece of information, they immediately grab for the "next" piece. Then why they think they're done with that piece, they grab for the next, and the next, and the next. What is the result of this process? It's a ton of information, but no knowledge. When you follow a trail of crumbs, you eat one, then the next, then the next. But did you ever wonder why the second crumb comes after the first, and not before? Sometimes it's obvious - the second explicitly cites the first. But what about when the first cites the second? Why do we learn about real numbers before we learn about Cauchy sequences or Dedekind cuts? Why is calculus the "next" step after algebra and geometry? The people who don't consider these questions are doomed for failure. They will never understand where they are going, and when the line of breadcrumbs dies out, they won't know where they are, unable to find any familiar landscape, hopeless until they find a new trail of bread crumbs that won't help, but rather just lead them further into the wilderness.

So what is the answer? I am not saying that you should be contrary and head off into a completely different section of the woods from where the crumbs lead you. This will probably lead you to just as much failure. After all, there are crumbs there for a reason: this path has worked for other people before, and it will work for you too - if you walk it the right way. You should walk this path, but don't swallow bread crumbs as fast as possible. Savor them. Enjoy the scenery. Maybe even deviate from the path in order to learn the surrounding area. Then come back to the next crumb and do the same thing. Each time, you'll feel more and more comfortable with the area, allowing you to move further and further out into the wild, while still always knowing where you are.

All around me, I see people who have been adversely affected by the bread crumb trail. There was a trail of crumbs. They ate the crumbs; they did their homework. Every once in a while, there was a signpost; they took a test. They got to the end of the trail, marked by a final signpost: the final exam. Where were they? They had no idea. What they did know is that there was another trail of crumbs waiting for them: the next class.

People tend to like hammers, like the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, or Muirhead's Theorem, or Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. But think: If you have no idea how to use them, how useful are they? Not at all. Information is not knowledge.


  1. You're right, and it's true. I didn't really realize this until junior year. When I had taken an entire year of multi and linear and realized I had very little knowledge to show for it.

    What allows for knowledge then?

  2. this is why advance topics was so useless for me

  3. I agree, but I believe you are looking for a word other than knowledge, maybe something closer to understanding but that still is not it.

  4. Holy crap Brian you need to cut back on your metaphors >_>

  5. To test for knowledge, I suggest two relatively simple methods:

    1) If you are reading a book, attending a lecture, or learning in whatever way, think about what you learned for a minute. Then ask yourself a question that hasn't been answered. If it's the next thing mentioned, then you probably understand what has been said earlier. If it was answered previously, you can be pretty sure that you don't understand it. If it's not mentioned at all, then you might understand it extremely well (if it's something beyond the scope of the lecture/book) or you might want to check your understanding again if you think it's something that should have been answered. Working out answers to these questions on your own is a big step toward obtaining knowledge.

    2) Think about what you would think if someone taught the subject to you again. If you would be just as lost as you were the first time or perhaps sporadically recognize some things, then you certainly don't know it (I can think of many people in this situation). If you would understand what is going on, but wonder why all of it is useful, then you have the information, but not enough of the knowledge. If you would be bored senseless because you know exactly what the person is going to say next, then you can feel relatively sure that you have knowledge of the subject.

  6. i feel like this is a problem with american education mostly
    when we learn things in america, we don't actually use the information enough, or know it enough, to be knowledgable about it
    idk why but i feel like in china i actually knew the stuff i learned
    but now i just...learn it without...actually knowing anything i learned >__<


  8. @jenny: im not sure this is true. obviously i haven't had a chinese education but from what I understand, except for the kids trained for olympiads, chinese education works by rote. this it does very well, but obviously this is not what we want.

  9. Actually it's by rote even for the kids trained for olympiads. It may seem strange that you can do rote training for them, but it's true. The Chinese strategy is to just have done so many problems that no matter what the IMO gives the team they'll have seen something similar before.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. ah idk i just felt like i understood the stuff
    or at least
    i wanted to actually learn then
    after i came here
    a lot of things people do are just for tests and grades
    people don't really thoroughly understand the material

    an example is the numanal test
    most of us uhh really can't pay atetntino to sachs >_<;;
    and a lot of us, including me, sadly, just crammed the day of, took the test, and though i understand how most of the stuff works, i didn't actually learn it o.O
    blah :3

  12. I think Chinese education fails for other reasons too. The following is a total generalization: Chinese students don't get enough exposure to the real world the way we do, through clubs like environmental club or through volunteering and internships. They just study and stuff, and then when they emerge into the real world, they don't have the necessary experience that students in the US have.

  13. On the subject of Chinese education, the rote memorization then regurgitation of information is how the Chinese teacher is preparing us for the AP. So far, it seems laughably ineffective, even when you take into consideration the effort the class puts in.

  14. Darn, when I saw your post, I thought you were going to talk about information theory. :P

    So I think a huge problem is the lack of emphasis on synthesis, not just between topics in a given field (like math), but also between fields. A great example of this is econ:

    I took AP econ last year but have been teaching it to myself for a while. In the class, our teacher told us that for a monopolistic firm, the marginal cost curve intersects the average cost curves at their minimum points. If you know calculus (and what marginal and average cost curves are), this fact is completely trivial. However, since econ is taught in high school without any math whatsoever, the result is that students remember it as just another feature of monopolistic firms, sporadically forgetting this highly important fact just as they might forget some relatively minor detail.

    The same is true in physics and elsewhere. Even within math, when in 9th grade people focus on really formal logic, and then never use it again, the result is a string of disconnected thoughts, ready to be forgotten or remembered at the whim of exam schedules.
