Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ocarina of Time

I completed the new Any% route (Ganon as child) for the first time today! My time was 48:15. I got the wrong warp on my second try (where the first was too early, so it didn't cost much), but then failed at Ganon's castle for a while. Also my bottle sucked a lot. The Ganon fight is tricky because you do the infinite sword glitch with the deku stick, but sometimes you have ISG on but it doesn't look like it until you actually walk around, so I think I got ISG a bunch of times and didn't realize it.

Since most of you probably don't know what I'm talking about, there was a major glitch found a couple months ago now, where you can warp from the Deku Tree (first dungeon of the game) to the Ganon castle escape (after the Ganondorf fight), then kill Ganon as child link. For reference watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_124494&v=PaUCFrW_mEE&src_vid=JbceRzEL3ks

Also go check out speedrunslive.com!

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